equivalent to 1 full day of cricket!
great for kids needing better focus in all areas of life
distracts kids from too much screen time
great for kids with challenges like dyslexia & adhd
great for adults wanting better focus capabilities
Learning has never been so
mad flippin' fun!
top 3 key benefits of mastering the thingy flip
boost hand-eye coordination
supercharge fine motor skills
turbocharge brain development
includes all licences:
buy with cash or crypto
we are the
thingy flip
“My primary school aged boys have loved the challenge of playing with The Thingy Flip. My 10 year old practised everyday for one week and went from 1 catch to 120 catches in a row.
He’s now taught himself elbow, leg and head bumps too. Thank you Dom for inventing such a cool activity that has got my boys off the couch and away from their screens”
~ belinda, your boys & mine